Nik's Diary The Indian market opened flat today, mirroring flat opening trades in the SGX Nifty in spite of positive opening in the Asian markets. US market moved mostly higher over the course of the trading day on Thursday, after turning in lackluster performance in the previous session. The modest strength on Wall Street came following the release of a report from the Labor Department showing an unexpected drop in weekly jobless claims. The report said initial jobless claims fell to 340,000 in the week ended March 2nd, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 347,000. Most of the European markets ended the trading session on Thursday with modest gains. The markets pared their gains after the ECB and the BoE both maintained their respective interest rates. The European Central Bank maintained status quo in March amid rising concerns that the political stalemate in Italy could kindle the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis as the bloc battles a recession...
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