Beating market expectations,Tata Consultancy Services, India's number one IT services exporter on Tuesday reported a Profit After tax (PAT) of Rs 4702 crore versus Rs 3796.2 crore in Q1. This is a rise of 24.7% quarter-on-quarter. The dollar revenues for Q2 were reported at $3.33 billion versus $3.16 billion QoQ. Q2 sales stood at Rs 20,980 crore versus Rs 17,987 crore QoQ. The foreign exchange loss for Q2 was reported at Rs 377 crore. While the Q2 utilisations excluding trainees came in at 83.4%, the gross employee addition was at 17,362. The number of $100 million plus clients rose to twenty-two from 19. The Q2 volume growth stood at 7.3%. Commenting on the results, N Chandrasekaran, TCS CEO said, "We continue to see robust demand pipeline across markets. TCS has demonstrated all-round strong growth across markets." Ahead of the Q2 results, shares in TCS closed the day at Rs 2218.15, up 0.16% on the Bombay Stock Exchange. The stock hit an intra-day h...