Nik's Diary The Indian markets opened in the red, tracking negative opening in most of the Asian markets as fears about the strength of the Chinese economy prevailed and a steep fall in commodity prices prompted the worst sell-off in five months on Wall Street. The US markets ended modestly lower on Monday as disappointing economic data from the US and China weighed on investor sentiment along with news of two explosions at the Boston marathon. China’s first quarter GDP came in at 7.7% against 7.9% growth in the fourth quarter. Also, the New York Federal Reserve released a report showing that its index of regional manufacturing activity fell to 3.1 in April from 9.2 in March. Additionally, the National Association of Home Builders released a report showing an unexpected drop in homebuilder confidence as the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index fell for the third straight month, dropping to 42 in April from 44 in March. Meanwhile, Indian markets rose on Monday, as soft inflati...
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