Nik's Diary The Indian markets opened flat mirroring flat opening trades in the SGX Nifty and mixed opening across major Asian bourses. The US markets moved mostly higher during trading on Thursday after ending the previous session roughly flat. The markets benefited from a positive reaction to the latest earnings news as well as some upbeat employment data. The Labor Department report showed that initial jobless claims fell to 339,000, a decrease of 16,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 355,000. Meanwhile, the European markets extended their recent upward trend to a fifth consecutive session on Thursday on expectations of rate cut by the ECB at their upcoming meeting next week. The better than expected British GDP result and the bigger than expected decline in U.S. jobless claims also contributed to the positive mood. Meanwhile, Indian markets edged sharply higher to a six-week high on Thursday, primarily lifted by aggressive buying in rate-sensitive stocks on...
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